A Fistful of Green

June’s come and gone in flashes of green.

We’ve had our farm produce sauteed, roasted, and raw. We’ve enjoyed it on the couch in front of new episodes of MasterChef and out in the garden watching our pumpkin and melon vines sprawl and take over. Jon can’t wait to have all the best carving pumpkins in town this fall. For now, we’re just grateful to see the vines blooming with big orange blossoms every day.

In the first three weeks of June, our CSA brought us lettuce, turnips, mixed greens, snap peas, frisee, cabbage, collard greens, parsley, toy choi, chives, cauliflower, basil, cucumbers, zucchini, baby carrots, and kale. Here are just some of the things we’ve made of it:

Sunnyside up farm eggs with sauteed toy choi, basil, and everything bagel spice:

Roasted cauliflower steaks with parmesan and huge salads with practically everything: greens, lettuces, cucumbersherbs:

Glazed baby carrots with feta, black sesame, and a first harvest of every herb from our own grow bags: chives, parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, mint, lemon balm, and oregano:


June was truly a month of firsts. We pulled and tasted our first purple carrot from the ground. She was beautiful.

And Jon made his first delicious loaf of bread in the Instant Pot. We brought it to the table at Mom and Dad’s for a dinner celebrating Marjorie’s birthday and her and Adrian’s fifth wedding anniversary. I had it my absolute favorite way to eat bread, dipped into the dressing-filled bottom of a bowl of tomato feta salad. Perfect.

I've been writing this in Coffeed, just 6 floors down from the chickens, the sunflowers, and my next farm haul. Today we get a new variety called dazzling blue kale and a licoricey minty herb called anise-hyssop. Dreamy. 

Up to the roof I go!